but first allow me to summarize the weekend for you-
Thursday worked and then picked up Chip and Marcus to go to mom and dad's for Thanksgiving weekend. We just hung out there and had pizza for dinner- you see we do our Turkey on saturday
Lori and Stacy had to work Friday so it was me dad and the kids
we watched them bike throw the ball etc- we were outside pretty much the entire day
Friday- woke up cleaned some things out and then dad went and played cards while I had all 4 children by myself- we did well- we did mission impossible at Publix and the kids called me crzay - love it- simple dinner of hot dogs for the kids
Saturday the fun began as we all attempted to cook the dinner- how mom did idk- well i do she would kick us all out of the kitchen and say let me be- we told the kids to get out of the kitchen several times and then would laugh- I am a lot like mom- whew I realized it even more this weekend- Lori took a picture of me cooking - and she said woah you look like mom-
we did good with dinner and mom would be proud- we worked together to get things accomplished
Marcus faced his fears with sleeping in a tent- he did very well - made me proud
Sunday 3 of us went off to church and then we returned and ate and tidied up and left around 3
we laughed we had a few quiet moments- and yes it was a bit different (saying it lightly) without mom there - just something missing but she was smilin down and thrilled we were all there together
It takes more then one to raise a family- God,Family,and Friends
Monday, November 28, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
10 more things I love
the color purple
my dog
a cool morning
watching the deer by the lake
watching horse race across a pasture
the mountains
the color purple
my dog
a cool morning
watching the deer by the lake
watching horse race across a pasture
the mountains
Monday, November 21, 2011
You are my all in all
You are my strength when I am weak you are the treasure that I seek you are my all in all- You know I got to thinking yesterday and thought where would I be after the year I had if I did not truly trust in God with my all in all. I would be flopping around like a fish out of water.I am not saying things don't get hard and all - they do - but I know He has my back and I will not allow circumstances to cause me to blame God for it- He helps me through.I get tired of people blaming God and saying they are mad at Him or they want to give up on things- truly - life is not that bad- you allow life to get you to that point- wake up people trust in Him with all your heart - with all your mind with all your strength.Again- I am not saying I did not get down- in the course of this past year- hmm let me just say things for me could have been worse but I know my Redeemer lives- lets see- my son last year at this time was in a crisis unit from October til January - pretty much the entire time- did it rock my world yes- but never blamed God- I had to trust Him even more- I dedicated Marcus to him. In January when I had to admit my son to a residential facility for 5 months- I did not blame God but was thankful that we finally got the help he needed. God opened a door in which no one else could open- that God had changed him-Then most recently with the death of my mom- oh I am not saying it has been easy but I did not go being mad at God- He did the miracle that my mom needed- to make her whole- yes I miss her yes I wish she was here and all that jazz BUT if not for God- where would I be.So for those of you with a negative attitude about life, being mad at him, no one loves me etcYes someone does very much- and He will never let you go- He is our strength when we are weak- He is our source of comfort - He is loving and caring - He provides all that we need. So seek HIM first!Ok I know not my typical blog- but life is short and precious - Trust Him with all you have
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Some pictures to share from yesterday and today

So yesterday we went to Busch Gardens and now my son loves roller coasters - he told me last time we were there he promised to ride Sheikra with me- and he kept his promise- well mom does not like heights but i love roller coasters so going up is not my favorite part of the ride - although i do like looking out and seeing down town Tampa when we are up that high. the boy loves roller coasters and his favorite.... yep Sheikra
Today Lori came over with the kids and we just hung out and then went to wiregrass-saw the light show and had it snow on us- i need to get the boy to see snow the look on his face was priceless. then we laughed so hard on the way back to the car the boy fell down- i love his laugh !!! what a difference a year makes- I am truly thankful
Friday, November 18, 2011
Its Here and I have waited a year

Well its here again- last year not really a year to celebrate our forever familversary. Last year Marcus was in the crisis unit - pretty much for 3 months straight- we missed a lot of special times together but this year is different- this year I will be able to celebrate our forever familversary with him at home, we will be able to celebrate thanksgiving dinner at church together. I am so thankful that he is home this year- so 6 years ago today on a Friday at 11:30 am in the morning I became a mom to a 4 and half year old 40 lb boy. wow it seems like he was mine from the start. or it feels like it- people tell their stories of labor pains and how long they were in labor- well he may not be born of my body but he is definately my son and that i dare someone to argue with.

we have come so far and still have a ways to go but we are one step closer each day-

in the 6 years he has been my son- we have celebrated first birthdays, first christmases, first bike riding on a 2 wheeler, 1st race winning in track, first soccer goals, first airplane trips (oh that was exciting) we have been through more child care facilities then i would care to think about, more times in the crisis center then i would want anyone to go to, 5 months apart to help heal his mind, time spent talking with one another about God and all that He has planned for Marcus, spent time with our first loss of a loved one and a loved pet.

He is tender hearted and loves God and want to share Jesus with others- he still gets angry and still needs extra help-
I am truly truly blessed that God chose me and knew that Marcus was the one to be my son-and knew that I was the person Marcus needed and vice versa. Marcus has taught me about unconditionally love and how not to give up even when it seems like there is no end.

I know this past year has not been the greatest but we are moving forward and the best is still yet to come-
Thursday, November 17, 2011
10 things I LOVE
1. God's comfort and grace
2. My Awesome Family
3. My Friends- never alone
4. the smell of orange blossoms
5. a praying child
6. the wet kiss of a dog
7. cows eating oranges out of my hands
8. helping parents with special kids
9. quietness
10. a clean house
2. My Awesome Family
3. My Friends- never alone
4. the smell of orange blossoms
5. a praying child
6. the wet kiss of a dog
7. cows eating oranges out of my hands
8. helping parents with special kids
9. quietness
10. a clean house
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Things I am most Thankful for today

what would we do without them- i have come to appreciate family so much more- and miss them all so much- thankful for phones, email, skype, instant messaging, and facebook to stay connected. I love them more then words can say.
holding each one close to my heart-
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
so Marcus and I went to Venice this weekend- and had a nice time with dad- that just sounds weird- sorry dad - i will get use to it I guess.- anyway Marcus helped dad clean up the house and all on Saturday and Friday we went to lunch with him - then Marcus and I went and I got a facial from Leah- thanks so much my face feels fabulous and it was so good to talk with Leah-
then I got a haircut- all while Marcus is in tow- he is a trooper- nothing like being dragged with your mom for girly stuff :)
Sunday we went to Lift Church and God is moving - I am so blessed I have Celebration Church and Lift Church in my life- how did I get so fortunate and the amazing thing is they are very similar in all that is done.
today was a good day- busy day and I think it will be an early night- all is quiet for now will write more later- there is more to share but I am waiting for a reply on an email before I do that
then I got a haircut- all while Marcus is in tow- he is a trooper- nothing like being dragged with your mom for girly stuff :)
Sunday we went to Lift Church and God is moving - I am so blessed I have Celebration Church and Lift Church in my life- how did I get so fortunate and the amazing thing is they are very similar in all that is done.
today was a good day- busy day and I think it will be an early night- all is quiet for now will write more later- there is more to share but I am waiting for a reply on an email before I do that
Thursday, November 10, 2011
hey hey hey its Friday day today
ok well it will be in a little while- we are off work and school tomorrow - yeah-well its for a good reason- its veteran's day and at this time i would like to thank all those who served in our military - some of my favorite people are veterans- my dad, a few of my uncles- cousins, friends
thank you so much for serving and allowing us to be a apart of a free country-
The Pride of Our Country
by Roger Robicheau
Today as before, our brave do fight
For a land they love, a flag so right
The pride of our country, yes they are
The strength of our nation, best by far
Just as our brave from each war gone by
They march for us proudly, flag held high
From all over this land they come to serve
They’re taught by the best, this they deserve
When troops give their all, the world does see
Whether serving on land, in the air, or at sea
The pride from this country, march through war
With home drawn strength, held deep in their core
Our best are so awesome, their loved ones well know
May God guide their journey where they - for us - go
What these brave must have is support from their own
The love from their people, firm thankfulness shown
Our greatest achievement is that we’re still free
Please take time and ponder who caused this to be
thank you so much for serving and allowing us to be a apart of a free country-
The Pride of Our Country
by Roger Robicheau
Today as before, our brave do fight
For a land they love, a flag so right
The pride of our country, yes they are
The strength of our nation, best by far
Just as our brave from each war gone by
They march for us proudly, flag held high
From all over this land they come to serve
They’re taught by the best, this they deserve
When troops give their all, the world does see
Whether serving on land, in the air, or at sea
The pride from this country, march through war
With home drawn strength, held deep in their core
Our best are so awesome, their loved ones well know
May God guide their journey where they - for us - go
What these brave must have is support from their own
The love from their people, firm thankfulness shown
Our greatest achievement is that we’re still free
Please take time and ponder who caused this to be

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Dear Venice Regional Medical Center
To whom it may concern at venice regional medical center-
please make sure your records are correct before trying to contact patients you had in your hospital.
Calling my parent's home and asking for my mom is not acceptable especially when she did die in your hospital- someone dropped the ball on this one.
If you would like to get a hold of her, it is a long distance call.
thank you-michele
please make sure your records are correct before trying to contact patients you had in your hospital.
Calling my parent's home and asking for my mom is not acceptable especially when she did die in your hospital- someone dropped the ball on this one.
If you would like to get a hold of her, it is a long distance call.
thank you-michele
Sunday, November 6, 2011
as thanksgiving approaches
well i would be lying if i said i am so happy for thanksgiving to be here- well i am and i am not- i am thankful for my family and the new traditions and old traditions that will continue- I am thankful Marcus is home this year consistently - i am thankful for my friends and my family-and that we are getting through- i am not quite sure how the turkey will turn out as mom makes the best - lori and I will fumble over it but we will try :) so any of you readers have any pointers for those of us who never cooked turkey before send them my way.
why i am not looking forward to it- well mom is missing this year and it will not be the same- she was the one who always did all the cooking and loved it- me not so much into the cooking - but we will make the best of it and get through it- and be thankful for the time we did spend with her-
we will try our best mom but it will not be the same- thankful for family more so this year then ever
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Results of X-ray and today

Okay so my neck x-rays came back with mild degeneratve disc disease at the C6 and C7 - which means I am just getting older- and it happens- but physcial therapy on my own- antiinflammatories and muscle relaxants should help - maybe a new pillow and a massager too. not too bad just a pain in the neck to deal with (hahaha) Dr said if continues that we may need to do an MRI and see what else is going on-
Anyway - marcus has had some rough rough ams- he is writing what he is feeling and such in the afternoon when he has a clear mind-
he lets me reads what he writes and then we talk and a lot of what I am feeling he is feeling as well he just has some added stuff in there - acting out does not help when he is quite capable of handling and coping - I think this holiday season will pose some rough times around our household but will keep pushing and praying not quitting- just need to rest when I am tired and today I am tired- I did have to go to work this morning for a bit -
tomorrow we can sleep in a little longer falling back 1 hour- yeah!!!!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Its Friday
yesterday got my neck checked - its been stiff for about a month and was not getting better- appears to be just strained- so pain meds, muscle relaxant, Dr said I need a massage :) and do some therapy on it plus watch how I work on the computer
let me say the pain meds and muscle relaxer helped already- this morning not so stiff and I can actually turn my neck without it being stiff
so what do we have planned in the Danielson household this weekend- I have to work Saturday for a couple hours then not much else is planned- We have our missions convention on Sunday at church but other then that it should be uneventful-
we are pretty boring this weekend :)
let me say the pain meds and muscle relaxer helped already- this morning not so stiff and I can actually turn my neck without it being stiff
so what do we have planned in the Danielson household this weekend- I have to work Saturday for a couple hours then not much else is planned- We have our missions convention on Sunday at church but other then that it should be uneventful-
we are pretty boring this weekend :)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
The real heros
What am I talking about- Missionaries- I am amazed at what they go through - all to reach people for Christ.
A lot of people have football players or baseball players as heros- but I am glad I choose to have missionaries as my heros and so glad Marcus looks up to them.
You see many times over the last year Marcus has said he is going to be a missionary and wants to give so much to BGMC- to reach the lost- I am thrilled and will support him- if this is the plan for his life.
Think about all they go through and remember to lift these heros up in prayer- they are truly on the front line.
Thank you Jeff for sharing your heart last night- you are doing amazing things for God
A lot of people have football players or baseball players as heros- but I am glad I choose to have missionaries as my heros and so glad Marcus looks up to them.
You see many times over the last year Marcus has said he is going to be a missionary and wants to give so much to BGMC- to reach the lost- I am thrilled and will support him- if this is the plan for his life.
Think about all they go through and remember to lift these heros up in prayer- they are truly on the front line.
Thank you Jeff for sharing your heart last night- you are doing amazing things for God
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
ok now time to post a little

ok so returned safely from Austin just having some difficulty getting through the week- tired- must be getting old for a trip like that to wear me out-
Learned quite a bit and hopefully will be able to take it what I learn to who needs to know
the weather was beautiful a little cold on saturday but beautiful and a nice change
so what do we have planned this weekend nothing- really- i have to work saturday- we have a short week next week - so 3 day weekend the weekend of the 11th
more posts to come - to share what else is going on - just wanted to share some pictures
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