relax.... it will be alright- ok i write like i think (right Gayle- atleast i capitalized your name) ok so i struggle at times- what is it- well i am working on it- i struggle with.... are you ready- i know this will be earth shattering- ok here it is-
of how i can chillax when dealing with Marcus- i know i know you all say its easy - well you know i have dealt with being on the edge or eggshells for so long its hard to switch to the thought of him not going off the edge or having what i now call a stress meltdown. i need to change thought process and the more i work with him and see how he responds to things the more i will relax and understand he will not have those moments- it will take time on my part-
learning not to lecture during escalation and allowing him to work through it-finding a place of comfort while he brings himself down- not being concerned with what they term junk behavior ( ok some of you do not say i told you so here ok)
so mom has work to do as well as Marcus-
he told his therapist what triggers moms' reactions- hmmm- manipulation- raise your hand if you told me this already- go ahead - i see you :)
we are striving ahead and learning each day- I do like his therapist- she is great and really has his best interest and mine at hand-
So I will learn as we come back together as a family how not to expect the worst- but expect the best- sometimes it may just be all in my expectations-
I told you so, you know I had to say it :o)
hmm- anonymous- i wonder who you are
Relax girlfriend, you will get there. This is a process for both of you :) Love ya!
i am relaxed just thinking about it- it will be a process and adjustment for me- our times together has helped
You can spell my name with a small 'g' and I will still love you anyway, Michele LOL!
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