Oh I am physically worn out- why is it when God is doing amazing things the bottom drops out with Marucs' behavior- The last 2 days his behavior has plummited down the tubes- thankfull last night Mr Tom and Miss Candy were there.
Today oh my word- Target was not a good place- nothing like having 100s of eyes staring at you as you drag your son out of the store and then proceed to wrestle on the ground with him- I contacted Tom and Cathy and was able to drag him to the car long enough to get him in there-
Thanks for checking on me Tom ad offering to come by-if needed-
He has not been this ugly in a while- and the problem is he is getting stronger- ugh
Worn out -that is what I am-
It takes more then one to raise a family- God,Family,and Friends
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Walking and Running
Last night I went walking with Marcus- he was so funny- he was like can I run- knock yourself out kid- well he actually did really well- he ran 2 laps without stopping this is an accomplisment cause last year at this time he could barely run 1 lap of the track- so proud and he was just beaming- In all he ended up running 2 miles and me I walked about a mile and a half.
I am so glad it is Friday- this weekend is going to be amazing -
If you are in the Tampa Bay area- Come to the most exciting church- It is launching on Sunday- http://www.celebrationchurchtampa.com/index.html
I am so glad it is Friday- this weekend is going to be amazing -
If you are in the Tampa Bay area- Come to the most exciting church- It is launching on Sunday- http://www.celebrationchurchtampa.com/index.html
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Well we had our last service at Northside last night and - I was ok- well it was bittersweet cause I know God has big plans for Celebration and it is going to be amazing
Yet so much has happened at Northside - God placed in my heart to adopt- I had Marcus dedicated there- God has changed me- Able to meet some of the best people in the world yes world- Marcus was baptized there- God changed me-gave me new hope a new vision a new dream-
So thank you Northside for all you have given-
Now.... in 4 days Celebration- Hello to new changes- new dreams- new souls-
Monday, January 25, 2010
God is amazing

A friend of mine had it on her post ( Cathys )today on facebook. So i thought about it
And He is- today Marcus got in trouble at childcare- for those of you who read this is a common occurence. Like every 3 months- well we are pretty much out of options in the natural eye but I serve a supernatural God and He has it all under control. Normally I would be flipping out and all but I can not- why cause God knows my every need and will supply it-
and for those of you reading this and know me have probably thought what in the world has happened to this person who flipped out about everything with Marcus- well I am growing and learning and realizing a lot of things. And all because I am being obedient to God - listening to Him in the quietness- lettin gme know it is ok- you are going to make it you are thriving and will continue to thrive- hold on to what I have promised you pursue what I place in your heart-
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Word for this year- FLOURISH

To grow well or luxuriantly; thrive: To do or fare well; prosper: To be in a period of highest productivity, excellence, or influence:
Last year my word was persevere- which means to be persistent - survive
Well this year I do not want to survive I want to thrive - I want God to use me more then ever - I want to have a great influence on others. I WANT TO FLOURISH
Saturday, January 23, 2010
things are coming together

well i finished my last test for my class will send it out for grading and then wait to hear how I did- the first 3 tests I got all As so that made me happy.
Excited for what the future has- one step at a time- what am I talking about - wait and see I will share soon
I will tell you what God has placed in my heart is slowly coming to pass-
What is it you ask- well I want to be able to help parents that have children like Marcus- even if I am someone they need to vent to or find resources to help them- so steps in taking this on is occurring - baby steps as my big brother would say (thanks AT)
PD has been helping me get my website going so that is coming slowly as well- it is not functional yet cause I need to put it all together first -as soon as I do I will give you the site address-
Thursday, January 21, 2010
DAYS AWAY- to what you ask? til a new chapter in our lives begins- WE ARE ATTENDING A NEW CHURCH- CELEBRATION-Come with us and Celebrate !
Monday, January 18, 2010
Service Dogs

These animals are amazing- they help so many- from those in wheel chairs -to those who have seizures- to those who are blind and now they are utilizing them to help children with autism- i want to see if they can train with children with RAD- all things are possible-
These service dogs are amazing-they can help with search and rescue they can help in being a
K-9 police officer- these dogs are amazing
Friday, January 15, 2010
God is good
Well I know we all say that - do you believe it? I do I truly do- when all the world is grumbling around me I still know God is good- why- with out Him I would have no strength to move on-
This week I have been praying more then ever and God hears my prayers- are there still problems oh sure - yet how I handle them are differently- trusting God that he has it all under control
He is my El Shaddai
He is Jehovah Jireh
He is Jehovah Rophe
He is Jehovah Shalom
He is the Beginning and the End
This week I have been praying more then ever and God hears my prayers- are there still problems oh sure - yet how I handle them are differently- trusting God that he has it all under control
He is my El Shaddai
He is Jehovah Jireh
He is Jehovah Rophe
He is Jehovah Shalom
He is the Beginning and the End
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
There is no one like our God
You're the God of this City
You're the King of these people You're the Lord of this nation
You are
You're the Light in this darkness When you think all you have been through seems dark- I know God is greater and His light shines over all the darkness-one glimmer of light shines through even through the darkest of circumstances
You're the Hope to the hopeless God is full of hope- at times when I thought there was no hope- He showed me that there is always a reason to have hope
You're the Peace to the restless When life is in turmoil God can bring you peace that you just do not understand- it is truly amazing
You are
There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God
For greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Greater thing have yet to come I know God has great things in store - I sense it in my spirit in my heart - for my life- for our church and for our city
And greater things are still to be done in this City
We had a prayer and worship time tonight at service and for me it was amazing-just the atmosphere itself-As we were singing - PD picked just the right songs for tonight- I wept- why you ask- because what is about to happen for our church is life changing and it has been in the works for over a year- God's plan- God has been the focus of everything- His timing- His provisions
We sang my favorite song - not the one I listed above but Awesome in this Place
As I come into Your presence
Past the gates of praise
Into Your sanctuary I have the honor of coming into His sanctuary
Til we're standing face to face I will stand and see Him face to face one day- I picture it - I envision it everytime I sing this song
I look upon Your countenance
I see the glory of Your Holy face
I can only bow down and say... How can I stand I have to bow down-You are so worthy
You are awesome in this place, Mighty God
You are awesome in this place, Abba Father
You are worthy of all praise
To You our lives we raise
You are awesome in this place, Mighty God
You're the King of these people You're the Lord of this nation
You are
You're the Light in this darkness When you think all you have been through seems dark- I know God is greater and His light shines over all the darkness-one glimmer of light shines through even through the darkest of circumstances
You're the Hope to the hopeless God is full of hope- at times when I thought there was no hope- He showed me that there is always a reason to have hope
You're the Peace to the restless When life is in turmoil God can bring you peace that you just do not understand- it is truly amazing
You are
There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God
For greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Greater thing have yet to come I know God has great things in store - I sense it in my spirit in my heart - for my life- for our church and for our city
And greater things are still to be done in this City
We had a prayer and worship time tonight at service and for me it was amazing-just the atmosphere itself-As we were singing - PD picked just the right songs for tonight- I wept- why you ask- because what is about to happen for our church is life changing and it has been in the works for over a year- God's plan- God has been the focus of everything- His timing- His provisions
We sang my favorite song - not the one I listed above but Awesome in this Place
As I come into Your presence
Past the gates of praise
Into Your sanctuary I have the honor of coming into His sanctuary
Til we're standing face to face I will stand and see Him face to face one day- I picture it - I envision it everytime I sing this song
I look upon Your countenance
I see the glory of Your Holy face
I can only bow down and say... How can I stand I have to bow down-You are so worthy
You are awesome in this place, Mighty God
You are awesome in this place, Abba Father
You are worthy of all praise
To You our lives we raise
You are awesome in this place, Mighty God
Monday, January 11, 2010
oh my lots of preparing to do- I am going away Saturday through Tuesday for a conference in Orlando- so finding someone to watch Marcus and signing medical release forms- making sure I write the meds down for what he takes - his schedule of activities- soccer and practice-then the there is the dog-fortunately I am sooooooooooooooo blessed my friends- shoot family the Tobias' have taken on the challenge- they will be fine-
I get to get away and stay at the Caribe- learn lots of new stuff-

What else am I preparing for - God's plan on my life- oh yes He is amazing and so looking forward to what he has planned I know what I am to do- just not sure how to go about doing it- praying for direction and OPEN doors 

More things to prepare for - well as of January 31 I will be attending a new church- it was just time - to find a new place- oh the people there are great and it is like I have known them for a long time already - like they are family - it is a new church -if you are in Tampa why not join me on January 31st -you will love it

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010

a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.
F. E. A. R. = False Expectations Appearing Real
Why am I talking about Fear today- well because I sawit grip my son's face yesterday as we sat and had a dinner date at a local restaurant-
He watched and seeked out everyone and anyone who walked by- the look of fear on his face- I saw it - I saw the tears begin to well in his eyes when I asked what was going on-
He was afraid the man was going to be there and come and get him- How long will he live with this fear of this man coming to get him? I ask my self and then I ask how can I help him overcome this fear.
I keep reminding him- he is mine forever- I keep reminding him that the man has no way of knowing where he is- I keep reminding him that no one will mess with him why- for one thing his momma will become unglued and I know many others that would too come unglued- never under estimate a momma when it comes to a child no matter what the momma and child have been through.
How will we get through- just like always through God's word through His guidance and loving hand- Fear is real and can grip someone's life but I serve a BIG God and through Him we overcome anything.
Isaiah 41:10 (New International Version)
10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Let us be motivated by pure love

As I read and digest Philippians I am learning so much- and I do not want to just read what is written but put it in to practice as well. In Philippians 1:13-19 it talks about how others were motivated by pure love to reach others for Christ and how others just reached Christ because of there own motives (Paul was out of the way). I do not want to be motivated by my own motives I want to have the heart of Christ and to reach others by pure love-
What are your motives for reaching others for Christ? Are you loving them because you have to or are you loving them because your heart hurts for them as they seek out things not of God?
I want my heart to reach them because I want what God has for them - do you believe for the possible?
Open hearts today Lord that may not have been opened yesterday to your will
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Marcus is in the mode of thinking negative and I can't statements come out of his mouth- well this song has really spoken to me everytime it comes on the radio- and when it came on yesterday Marcus was speaking in his negative mode again and I told him to listen to it- not sure whether he would get or not. He got what he needed to- about God being there and helping us and giving us the strength whenwe need it.
We need to keep believing We need to keep trusting God We need to have FAITH in Him-
I told him impossible is not a word and Marcus said Mommy all things are possible if you Believe (Cathy and Tom thanks - he sees that sign daily)
We need to keep believing We need to keep trusting God We need to have FAITH in Him-
I told him impossible is not a word and Marcus said Mommy all things are possible if you Believe (Cathy and Tom thanks - he sees that sign daily)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Giving thanks when I think of you
Philippians 1:3-6
3 Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. 4 Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, 5 for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. 6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
So I am taking this to heart and being thankful for those in my life- and when I think of those people in my life thanking God for them and praying for them at that moment- I think this is essential for me- My friends my family are apart of my life and I always want to give thanks to God who sent them to me. My church family we are in to spreading His word and seeing others come to Christ.
I know God wants what is best for all of us and He is doing SO much in all of our lives-
So just know when I think of you I will give thanks to God for you and pray for your needs
3 Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. 4 Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, 5 for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. 6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
So I am taking this to heart and being thankful for those in my life- and when I think of those people in my life thanking God for them and praying for them at that moment- I think this is essential for me- My friends my family are apart of my life and I always want to give thanks to God who sent them to me. My church family we are in to spreading His word and seeing others come to Christ.
I know God wants what is best for all of us and He is doing SO much in all of our lives-
So just know when I think of you I will give thanks to God for you and pray for your needs

Off for the week
Well this week I took off - why Marcus is off- we shall see how this goes- oh I know why speak negative - I am not speqaking negative just truth-
I am finding how I handle him is a bit different each day- I choose not to get upset (or try not too) but put it all back on him for choices he makes-
We do not have any major plans - we are helping at church-have some drs appts, chill out time and cleaning the house up- (it is driving me crazy)
I also plan on working on some cooking and grocery shopping- Adam gave me some ideas to cook- and there are a few other things I have seen I want to try.
Of course Adam wants to sign me up for the worst cook competition- I really do not want to compete- just want to learn something new each month
I am finding how I handle him is a bit different each day- I choose not to get upset (or try not too) but put it all back on him for choices he makes-
We do not have any major plans - we are helping at church-have some drs appts, chill out time and cleaning the house up- (it is driving me crazy)
I also plan on working on some cooking and grocery shopping- Adam gave me some ideas to cook- and there are a few other things I have seen I want to try.
Of course Adam wants to sign me up for the worst cook competition- I really do not want to compete- just want to learn something new each month
Friday, January 1, 2010
How many of you can say...

my pastor took the time to teach me how to make perogies from scratch- yes this included making the dough and mashed potatoes ( mom they were really good and there is a secret to add to them) yum- and I did not fall asleep on the couch either- sorry Adam i tend to do that when you have wanted to teach me- now I really want to learn-
Was it easy - it was not too bad- I did get frustrated but Pastor Larry was patient and answered every question I had-
So who is next - I am ready to learn-one dish a month-honestly I was never into cooking did not see a need to do it for one person- but I enjoyed it-shocking I know - pick yourselves up people.
Happy New Year Everyone
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