My son- this morning thought he would be funny and not listen- many of you have not seen this side of him- he thinks he is all cute and funny and speaking like a baby- I was trying to talk with him about having a good day and such and he would not have any part of it-so I called on Aunt Lori and Uncle Stacy - let us review this is at 5:55 in the morning-there was no way I was taking him into the center like this- Stacy talked and then Lori called back- he talked with her and seemed to settle down- then he talked with me said he was going to have a good day.
Great - Love you smooch - have a great day.
Cried on my way to work- oh and before I left at 6:11 I had him call my boss to inform her I was running late because of his choices- you see it is 20 minutes to work from where I was and I needed to be at work at 6:30.
So I pick him up in the afternoon- and what does the after school teacher tell me- he just bit someone why cause the other person would not get off of him- oh I am not happy because I had already read is behavior chart from school- he again tripped a child today.
Then I brought him inside from the playgorund after practicallu dragging him in to speak with him and he went off on a tantrum - leave me alone -I just wanted to talk- so I ended up having to carry him out all the while him yelling let me go and me saying when you can make a good choice I will. Lori wanted me to call so I did when we got in the car. Marcus was screaming like a baby and sucking his fingers when I meaning screaming I mean screaming-
Thank goodness my sister was able to talk him out because at this point I was furious- she was talking I was calming-
He quieted down- I drove home silently he wanted to talk I said when I am calm I will talk but right now I am very angry- silence on the way home- 2nd time I began to cry.we talked it out when we got home- I was blantly honest with him about how he made the choices and how sad and tired I am from this week- how I have had a headache pretty much all week- no exaggeration this is true. I did a little demo which I think woke him up- I kicked his back pack- and said Marcus this is what I am feeling like you are kicking me around like I am kicking your back pack- not taking care of it. We talked and then the consequences took place
Sentence writing and scripture writing about how to deal with anger, lying (he did that too), body parts to ourselves, and the las one was MArcus is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love- I reiterated that I love him but not his choices and that God created you to be kind, caring and compassionate and not hurtful.
Okay God what am I learning this time?
I know this is a time of regression for him but it is taking its toll on me- I can feel it emotional, physically and spiritually (thank goodness my work computer gets a praise and worship station-that helped so much today). His psychologist said he would go through it and since the holidays are upon us and things for him are so overstimulating - I just need to realize it- but sometimes I forget so for those of you reading this please feel free to remind me. This too shall pass right PD- this too shall pass.
Breathe in Breathe out
one more thing that is getting my goat and I think this may be a source of the problem- he is not getting his meds at the right time - hello for those of you who have seen him with out meds either in the morning or later then he is suppose to have them- we have a wild man on our hands. so an email went out promptly today to address that.
okay to bed I go - I get to sleep in yeah-!!!