Thursday, September 13, 2012

a miracle child- part 1

i know i brag a lot i mean a lot- about how well marcus is doing but we have come so far and he has changed so much-for those of you who do not know or have only just begun reading let me tell our story- some of the details many may not know - do not judge me for you did not know how life was for us before

ok so in 2005 i decided to adopt a child- a single parent i chose to be- some , including myself thought i was crazy- it was awesome i became a mom - i remember the day of the adoption like yesterday- i had family and friends there and we were very late in the proceedings but it was good- he was so tiny and so mischeivous- still is with a smirky smile he has-
the papers were signed and it was official i was now responsible for this cute 4 and half year old- he was cute with no teeth.

he did kids stuff so i thought until he kicked the directors door 37 times at child care fortunately for me it was my sister who was the director and said time to get him evaluated- because he was already removed from one childcare. ( by the time he was in 3rd grade we had been through 11- yes 11).

begin seeing an awesome psychologist and psychiatrist- yes we seeked additional help why - hmm throwing chairs - tables- hitting - biting etc. not your normal violence in a 4 year old

He was placed on meds and such and seemed to stable out- however labor day weekend 2008 I remember so well i was afraid to stay home alone yes afraid- of a 7 year old- not a good place to be at all- he was very violent and caused bruising on my legs - not feeling safe at all so i had to make a decision to get more help more help he needed i did not know what else to do- i was failing at being a mom- well so i thought - but this i had no control over- this was bigger then me- so i took him to the er and he went off the wall there and he ended up being transported to a crisis unit for a week. where i was asked why had he not been here sooner- and how have you been handling him. they were amazed

i was not sure what was going to happen- i missed work for a week cause i was not sure what to do- i was emotionally and physically drained-

marcus was in an awesome school at this point and the teachers were phenomenal and so supportive-
I am forever grateful for the staff at LMES- they surely are life changers

soo what happens next- well stay tuned for the next part of the miraculous turn around tomorrow.......

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