Friday, May 20, 2011


You know I often-just need to realize its about my family and what God wants for us and how he wants me to be a mom - I am not someone else and I will not parent the way everyone else does- I will parent with the gifts God has given me to parent my special child-I love advice and take bits and pieces from all who give and put it with what I know to do.

All children are different and tweaking is necessary with each child regardless of if they are child with special needs or not.

I know I am not alone in the fact I have a child who deals with mental health issues. It is not an easy task in fact it is very difficult- and many have no clue what us parents go through- I have posted on here before about it-

With Marcus coming closer to discharge day - I look forward to it- It is like a fresh start with a new understanding of how his mind operates and how things work for him-

and how to discipline him and how to work with him- others that may read this or are involved in his life need to understand he is not coming home the same way he left and you may need to work with him a little differently then you did before-

Family- can not wait til mine is reunited for good again

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