Sunday, June 13, 2010

I was reading..

a journal that I wrote in to keep track of Marcus' behaviors-from a little over a year ago - and can I say oh my word we have come so far so so far- I was amazed -
You see sometimes when you are in the forest it is hard to see past the trees (did I get that right PD) I am always in the mode of being with him and knowing he has referrals and meltdowns and suspensions and on and on...
but I am so glad I have a journal his behavior- because I would never have looked back to see how far we have come-and see past the forest-

We have come so so far- it will be 5 years in a few weeks that this young man was chosen for me- yes chosen for me- I truly truly believe he was chosen for me - come on when I pray specifically for a boy 3-5 years old that is a little challenging- God delivered- He chose me- who else would have dealt with all we have gone through- no one no one but me- I often think of where he would be - but that does not go too far- anyway- God knew I would be able to handle all we have been through-although at times I did not think I would get through-
He has placed significant people in our lives to help us through- to utilize the wisdom they have and press on towards the goal of Marcus being successful-
I am often told "I would have gave him back" - well honestly at times I would have too- and yet I keep pressing on knowing - knowing that God has a mighty plan for Marcus- and that Marcus is an awesome kid-
God knew what He was doing and it has taken me this long to know what I am doing- I still am learning but I have - yes I have come so far- You learn a lot when you have a child with emotional and behavioral issue- what have I learned?- and this is from looking and reading the journal I have of his behaviors

~ that you are often looked at differently when your child throws down a melt down in the store and you have to leave in order to get refocused-does not bother me anymore- others have no clue what may have happened
~calmness goes a long way and so does consistency-
~the first 4 years of a child's life is so critical for there socialization and development
~its ok to ask for help- and when you do you build a great support team
~communication is a key component in a child's life to those who work with him
~My strength is not my own but comes from Him
~on my knees is so powerful
~Unconditional love goes so far- love love love- and keep loving no matter how hard it gets
~keep persevering keep thriving- keep going no matter what
~Knowing when I need a break- and ask for that break-
~I can do ALL things through Christ

I am amazed at how far we come- and yes we still have far to go - and yet the journey keeps getting better and better-

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