Saturday, September 26, 2009

The week did not get much better

after he got suspended from the bus- wednesday afternoon and evening was disaterous- he became out of control at church and it shook me for a bit- plus i think i began to come down with a sinus cold- so thursday I get a phone call saying Marcus hit a child on the bus and was getting another referral- ugh and then when asked about it he did not take responsibility for it- this week has been a very rough one for him and taken a toll on me- hoping this weekend turns around.
I have Ainsley and Daskota today and Marcus has soccer pictures then grocery shopping with the 3 people- this should be interesting.

not sure what the rest of the day holds- pool- park - sleep- etc

1 comment:

Melissa said...

How'd the shopping go? I bet you came home with more stuff than you wanted! That's what happened to me's called ambushed at the check out line...not from candy but from actual food they put in the cart when I wasn't least it was healthy!