and knowing I am not forgotten.
sometimes I need that reminder. last night I was reminded in a big way by God- He spoke with me about upcoming changes and to hang on cause it is going to happen quick- all good-
Not ready to share it yet but I know this is going to happen- I sense it in my spirit- and my heart.
Before I could really say what God spoke to me to Melissa she told me exactly what He told me - I was like okay God this is you and not me.
So I am hanging on and know I am not forgotten.
And so excited about what God has for me - for us. Thanks Cathy and Candy for praying with me- you all are gems
It takes more then one to raise a family- God,Family,and Friends
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The week did not get much better
after he got suspended from the bus- wednesday afternoon and evening was disaterous- he became out of control at church and it shook me for a bit- plus i think i began to come down with a sinus cold- so thursday I get a phone call saying Marcus hit a child on the bus and was getting another referral- ugh and then when asked about it he did not take responsibility for it- this week has been a very rough one for him and taken a toll on me- hoping this weekend turns around.
not sure what the rest of the day holds- pool- park - sleep- etc
I have Ainsley and Daskota today and Marcus has soccer pictures then grocery shopping with the 3 people- this should be interesting.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yes you read the title correctly-Marcus got suspended from the bus today-it could have been worse- you see when a child acts out in an aggressive manner on the bus (which he did) also was running up and down the aisle- the bus drivers are instructed to call the police- well Mr. Carini and Mr Madley-told them he would meet the bus and see what was going on - Mr Carini is the behavioral specialist at Marcus' school and is truly plays a significant role in Marcus' success-
Fortunately all this happened after work and I was actually on my way to pick him up- instead I met him where the bus was-
Let me back up though cause when I got the message I was like oh no- what now- cause I did not know how bad it was- So my simple pray was Help me Jesus all the way to pick him up- I did not want to be angry although I was upset- My simple words were Help me Jesus and as I was driving God said he was provoked and that is when I knew I needed to be calm and find out what happened- never provoke someone who has anger issues it could get ugly- which it did.
I get there and he is calm - he got off the bus when asked by Mr Carini- he saw me and went a little wack a doodle but we assured him I was not angry I just wanted to find out what happened- and he was provoked -and yet forgot about what he learned to do-so we talked and talked on the way home and he wrote a apology letter to the bus driver
Mr Carini called and said he was suspended from the bus today- and he said if you need to pick him up a little late fine etc- he knows single mom working and they work so well with me - which I am thankful for- so I did not freak out ( I am getting better too) I called my wonderful friend Cathy and she said she could take him in this morning- THANK YOU
I told Marcus this is a referral and no referral party this month- he was sad - he even broke down cried and said he was a better person then this type of behavior and he did not like the choices he made-
I told him I do not want to see another referral- yes maam- I said you a r a better person then this type of behavior I know you can behave better-He said to me I am a good person - my response was do you believe that? Yes I am a good person mommy - I said yes yes you are. This was HUGE step because he for so long would always say he was a bad person. This is progress and yes it did bring tears to my eyes.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Customer Service
I was in a store yesterday and was at the check out lane and not one word came from the lady she was too busy with the other employee- no thank you for shopping - have a nice day etc. Her concern was with her fellow coworker which had just arrived. For me this rubbed me the wrong way - I got my stuff and thanked her - what was her response nothing.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Which of course that got me thinking-
Do we respond with nothing when our heavenly Father asks us something or tells us something? How does that make Him feel- rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr like me or they will get it next time. What if there is not a next time thought? Why do we not respond to God right then and there-
I myself this week had a perfect opportunity to respond and did not why? I am not sure. I am hoping God will give me another chance this week to respond with this person.
So what I have learned and continue to learn is respond to what God is asking of you- do not leave Him hanging waiting for your response- let Him know you heard Him.
I hear you God and will be responding even more
Do we respond with nothing when our heavenly Father asks us something or tells us something? How does that make Him feel- rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr like me or they will get it next time. What if there is not a next time thought? Why do we not respond to God right then and there-
I myself this week had a perfect opportunity to respond and did not why? I am not sure. I am hoping God will give me another chance this week to respond with this person.
So what I have learned and continue to learn is respond to what God is asking of you- do not leave Him hanging waiting for your response- let Him know you heard Him.
I hear you God and will be responding even more
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Last night on the way home from church, I was marveling at what an awesome God we serve and how He is always there no matter what we go through. I have looked over the past year, the past six months, the past month and just marvel. Even looked at the past half hour I was at church, Marcus had a meltdown and we handled it together in a matter of minutes instead of many minutes. I did not need to call in the extra troops, that I know would come in an instant if needed. We worked together to make it through. I am telling you God is doing something in my boy's life and I am so excited about it. For so long we have dealt with a past, the past is being wiped away and we are pretty much dealing with just kid things.
God is working in me- I am trying my best to improve as a manager to see and work through things at work with His guidance, with His touch. Last night was a duh moment in service and it really had nothing to do with what PD was talking about and at the same time it did. I have not been speaking with God about work and just a simple thing PD said last night was take time to be quiet and listen to Him. So I made a list of what I needed to begin to pray about for work and every morning this will be prayed about until breakthrough happens. I believe it will happen sooner rather then later.
We had open house on Tuesday, Marcus is doing very well in school. He received a B on his math test . Which I am so proud of, he is in mainstream math. He leaves his classroom everyday and walks by himself with no other person going with him (this is new from last year) He is being more responsible at school. His behavior specialist even said we may work on mainstreaming him even more. He must have seen my look of anxiety on my face because he said we will take baby steps for you mom so you become adjusted. We laughed. Yes in the now almost 3 years of him being at Lake Myrtle we have come so far, from the many days of having outburst and being secured in timeout room , to him (Marcus) now putting himself in their when he needs to calm himself down. AMAZING - Marveling.
(Gayle - I tried my best- this one was for you and hopefully the sentence structure was better then normal- LOVE YOU)
God is working in me- I am trying my best to improve as a manager to see and work through things at work with His guidance, with His touch. Last night was a duh moment in service and it really had nothing to do with what PD was talking about and at the same time it did. I have not been speaking with God about work and just a simple thing PD said last night was take time to be quiet and listen to Him. So I made a list of what I needed to begin to pray about for work and every morning this will be prayed about until breakthrough happens. I believe it will happen sooner rather then later.
We had open house on Tuesday, Marcus is doing very well in school. He received a B on his math test . Which I am so proud of, he is in mainstream math. He leaves his classroom everyday and walks by himself with no other person going with him (this is new from last year) He is being more responsible at school. His behavior specialist even said we may work on mainstreaming him even more. He must have seen my look of anxiety on my face because he said we will take baby steps for you mom so you become adjusted. We laughed. Yes in the now almost 3 years of him being at Lake Myrtle we have come so far, from the many days of having outburst and being secured in timeout room , to him (Marcus) now putting himself in their when he needs to calm himself down. AMAZING - Marveling.
(Gayle - I tried my best- this one was for you and hopefully the sentence structure was better then normal- LOVE YOU)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
new and refreshed insight
well- spoke with a wonderful person on the phone last night-Kathryn you may have heard of her from one of PDs blogs- she had some great insight and we discovered a lot of the tools I use for Marcus I need to tranfer them over to work- wow who knew I had it already- She gave me many new ideas to begin to utilize and I can not believe how fast the hour went- I wrote fast and furious and today will sit down and decipher and digest all she said. a fe wbooks to read - which are ordered and on their way.
yesterday was a good day- long day at work and my back is sore from it but we had to essentially get 2 days of work into 1 because of things going on with the building-so today will be a day to work on things and get things done that usually is put on the wayside- it is a day of catch up
oh and remember yesterday when i said I need a mini vacation well- i took Friday off- and I am going ot sleep in an extra hour ( still need to get Marcus to school) then have a list of projects to get done around here
~~ different topic- ever since we lost our friend Bernd- Marcus talks about where he is and how you get to heaven and if you do not have Jesus in your heart you will not go - and I am like yep you got it-everyday it is a new question which is good- I love to answer his questions
yesterday was a good day- long day at work and my back is sore from it but we had to essentially get 2 days of work into 1 because of things going on with the building-so today will be a day to work on things and get things done that usually is put on the wayside- it is a day of catch up
oh and remember yesterday when i said I need a mini vacation well- i took Friday off- and I am going ot sleep in an extra hour ( still need to get Marcus to school) then have a list of projects to get done around here
~~ different topic- ever since we lost our friend Bernd- Marcus talks about where he is and how you get to heaven and if you do not have Jesus in your heart you will not go - and I am like yep you got it-everyday it is a new question which is good- I love to answer his questions
Monday, September 14, 2009
What has beenth going on
i know it has been over a week- this past week has been crazy- i am wondering if things will ever calm down-
over the past week- we have had our caseworker come in which is a monthly visit- and love her- she is great- then we got some very sad news about a very dear person who passed away on Wednesday- which was very interesting cause Marcus has never had to deal with a death so for me it was a little bit different explaining to him- i think he got it- thursday was a busy day with soccer and such- was a special soccer game- coach Gig came and (his track coach) and watched i thought that was great-love our track family.
friday we went to tobias house with the dog because we had to get up to go to Venice fo the memorial service for Bernd- it was a very heart warming service- he touched many lives while here on this earth- then we came back and i heade to the St Pete time forum for a girls night out with Ainsley and my sister to watch the princesses ice skate. it was very good and the skater were very talented.
then Sunday was service - it was off the chain as PD would put it- God moved in a mighty way and all I can say is if you live in the Tampa Bay area you need to come to Northside to see what God is doing.
that was a run down - a quick run down of last weeks events-
for me- i am worn out- just want time to rest- but find myself having things to do and not getting them done. not sure why i am ususally pretty organized - i guess i am just tired of doing it all and do not wan to do anymore- oh i know that sound horrible but dealig with behavior issues household issues work issues etc gets to you- no i am not overwhelmed and i am not complaining- just would like to catch up on things that need a accomomplish hmm- maybe I need to take a mini vacation from work and get the things done-
work is improving - i need to improve- i just need more knowledge in my manager skills-i know God will help me with this- he has already provided some help- i have a meeting tonight so i know it will be a good one
over the past week- we have had our caseworker come in which is a monthly visit- and love her- she is great- then we got some very sad news about a very dear person who passed away on Wednesday- which was very interesting cause Marcus has never had to deal with a death so for me it was a little bit different explaining to him- i think he got it- thursday was a busy day with soccer and such- was a special soccer game- coach Gig came and (his track coach) and watched i thought that was great-love our track family.
friday we went to tobias house with the dog because we had to get up to go to Venice fo the memorial service for Bernd- it was a very heart warming service- he touched many lives while here on this earth- then we came back and i heade to the St Pete time forum for a girls night out with Ainsley and my sister to watch the princesses ice skate. it was very good and the skater were very talented.
then Sunday was service - it was off the chain as PD would put it- God moved in a mighty way and all I can say is if you live in the Tampa Bay area you need to come to Northside to see what God is doing.
that was a run down - a quick run down of last weeks events-
for me- i am worn out- just want time to rest- but find myself having things to do and not getting them done. not sure why i am ususally pretty organized - i guess i am just tired of doing it all and do not wan to do anymore- oh i know that sound horrible but dealig with behavior issues household issues work issues etc gets to you- no i am not overwhelmed and i am not complaining- just would like to catch up on things that need a accomomplish hmm- maybe I need to take a mini vacation from work and get the things done-
work is improving - i need to improve- i just need more knowledge in my manager skills-i know God will help me with this- he has already provided some help- i have a meeting tonight so i know it will be a good one
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Greetings from the land of the Danielsons
its been a little while since i wrote- this week has been a bumpy one- not horrible- just bumpy and it was not all Marcus- working on things from work and trying to figure out things there- and solving personnel issues (still working on this one- pray for wisdom for me) - at times working with multiple personalities and seeing they all mesh together has its difficulties- and i have a small staff so i can not imagine what others do when they are in management with many more then i have.
so i am in a funk- i know the house needs cleaned but do not feel like doing it-
oh I have kept up sorta on it - not too horrible - but there are things that need to be done and i am so very lazy by the time i get home and cook dinner and get the HW done- soccer if it is that day and then church if it is Wednesday- the stress of work is not overwhelming but it has taken a toll on me over the last week-from managing people to managing the facility itself- if it is not the building its the people-and this week it has been both-there are days where for me wish I could snap my fingers and at least the house would be reorganized and back together again-stuff gone through- etc- the walls repainted- just little thing that are adding up- ok enough of me on a tangent
so i am in a funk- i know the house needs cleaned but do not feel like doing it-

Marcus has had a really good start to this year- this past week he earned 500 points out of 500 yeah for him- the teacher says he is really doing well-
he is doing well at home minus some issues - and finally i am learning the issues tend to pop up when he is tired - so i am learning how to deal with it better-had counseling yesterday and the counselor was very positive- said Marcus is a good boy and has come so far in the last 6 months- i am like i know i can not believe it - oh yes I can i serve an AWESOME GOD-

i think this week because of some incidences with Marcus had me a little nervous too-you see this week a year ago Marcus was in a crisis unit -for not being safe and being a threat to others-he had a few moments of not doing the right thing and it was like gulp are we going there again- no we were not just my moment for reliving that week. all is well and i really do not think we will need to go back - in fact his counselor said we may soon drop back on the times we do see him- i was like are you sure you want to do that- he laughed.
today is Saturday what am i doing- my plans are to get my house in order today- i was going to sleep in but i was up at 5:30 am- i have an internal alarm clock and a dog in my face saying he had to go- so up i was -
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