Saturday, August 4, 2012

So many questions in one day

wow not sure what all the questions were about today - Marcus began asking questions about his foster home and I told him what I knew- he does not remember a lot anymore- thank goodness- and then he asked why his biological mom could not take care of him- so I asked are you ready to hear the truth- he said yes - so I was honest- about how she did drugs how she had sexually transmitted diseases and how she was unable to care for him- it all started with the conversation of how he could adopt a child when he got older cause he wanted to help challenging kids like I helped him
Anyway- he was like why did I not get any of her diseases I said well you did but they gave you something as a baby to get rid of it- what about the rest of the diseases she has- I said only God could protect you from the rest of the diseases you could have gotten from her. we had a really in depth conversation about the whole thing- I said one day when you are a little older if you want to meet her I will help you find her- of course he asked what if she has those diseases still I said not sure- I also said not sure if she will still be alive when we search for her- He asked about his biological dad - we do not know who he is and not sure how to go about finding that out- I said right now let us focus on you still and when the time is right we will look for your mom together- I do not want to fall backwards when we have come so far forwards- I do not mind him asking - he knows I am his mom and he knows I would do anything for him- I think it is important for kids to know the truth about their adoption and not hide things from them if they ask- how do adoptees feel check this link out and see Adoptee
Marcus was also asking about mom today- mommy do you remember when you and Pastor Gray prayed for grannie and she moved - what did she move- I said her eyes and her mouth- Did she accept Jesus then- Yes I honey I am believing she accepted Jesus then- ok good then we will see her again- whew so many questions today

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You are doing a fabulous job raising that young man. All of your hard work is paying off. I admire you in more ways than one! Love ya girl!